FitLife Coaching

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Have you a sustainable plan for fat loss?

Simply put - THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is that you develop good habits which will benefit you physically and mentally in the long term.

Starving yourself and smashing endless cardio to achieve a low body fat percentage (unless competing) for a preconceived idea of social acceptance or gratification from others will leave you in a worse off place than where you started.

In truth it's more likely to cause adverse effects and unhealthy relationships with food and exercise in the long run.

Happiness and confidence within yourself should be the main priority. Period.

Why sacrifice happiness - i.e foods you enjoy, your social life, a take away with the family on a Saturday night etc.. Just so you can reach a number on the scales for the wrong reasons?

It's not a good enough trade off.

This isn't a green light to get sloppy. But by now you must have noticed that the YoYo method of jumping from diet to diet, training plan to training plan isn't working. There's something missing.

There's a middle ground.

In short, the majority need education, structure and adherence.

There's no reason why you can't reach your goals and be happy in the process, it might take a little longer. But you'll enjoy the journey and the learning. ðŸ™ŒðŸ‘Œ